Who We Are
DARC Habitat Foundation is a not-for-profit organization in India, registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. Established in 2021, the organization works for the environment sustainability by afforestation and domestic animal rescue & care.
The total forest cover of the country as per the latest Forest Survey Report 2021 was 24.62% of the geographical area of the country with a steady increase over the last few years. DARC Habitat Foundation’s motto is to align with the govt. objectives of not to just conserve forests quantitatively but to qualitatively enrich it by afforestation using crowd foresting and other methods and create natural haven & ecosystem for animals, birds, fishes & plants to thrive. DARC Habitat Foundation also works towards protecting the nature against water, air & earth pollution by collecting the waste, segregate, recycle and rebuild with our motto of 3Rs – Rejoice, Rejuvenate and Relive and create awareness campaigns towards environment protection & preserving natural habitats.
The State of Pet Homelessness Index data states that there are nearly eight crore homeless cats and dogs in the country and 85 percent of the companion animals in India are homeless. DARC Habitat Foundation’s objectives are to rescue the domestic animals and birds from various pathetic situations, such as injured, owner abandoned or destitute, strays, and transfer from other shelters and protect the domestic animals and birds in streets to keep them safe from accidents and injuries. Our aim is to provide shelter for the old and unproductive domestic animals & birds, sterilize male stray animals & vaccinate stray dogs to prevent rabies and conduct campaigns for domestic animal & bird adoption.
Join us in our mission to make the Habitat Earth a better place to live!
All donations and voluntary help are welcome!
© Copyrights 2021-23, All rights reserved by: DARC Habitat Foundation