Everything you need to know about DARC Habitat Foundation!

About Us

Our Services

Lets make the World a Better Place

Plant Trees

Join us in Plant a Tree Projects & Campaigns

Animal Care

Join us in animal rescue & providing shelters

Support Community

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Our Mission

Environment Sustainability

Ensure environmental sustainability by afforestation using crowdforesting and other methods

Natural Haven

Create a natural haven & ecosystem for Animals, Birds, Fishes & Plants to thrive

Protect Nature

Protect nature against water, air and earth pollution

Waste Segregation

To collect waste, segregate, recycle & rebuild with our motto of 3Rs - Rejoice, Rejuvenate and Relive

Awareness campaigns

Conduct awareness campaigns towards environment protection & preserving natural habitats

Animal Rescue

To rescue domestic animals and birds from various pathetic situations, such as injured, owner abandoned or destituted, strays, and transfers from other shelter

Animal Protection

To protect domestic animals and birds in streets to keep them safe from accidents and injuries

Animal Sterilization

To sterilize male stray animals & vaccinate stray dogs to prevent rabies

Animal Shelter

To provide shelter for old & unproductive domestic animals & birds

Animal Adoption

To conduct campaigns for domestic animal & bird adoption